
About Animelover30: Read my heart has been torn to shreads... i dont feal like liveing anymore... theres nothing left for me IM NOT 19 appearance: sword is a zanpaktou BLACK DRAGON that is a sword that looks simalr to trunk's sword from dragon ball Z Powers: my swords power is darkness and deseption my nickname is "golden darkness" because the black flams that shoot out of my sword glow a golden yellow i can make you think what i want you to and i am an iron card. in my bankai my dragon is absorbind into the swords handle with a blackflame sword and black purified steel armor (simmalar to what the helmit looks like in the picture but instaed of red its black and silver is darker) _♥_♥_I_♥_♥_Put this ♥_?_♥&♥_?♥_Heart _♥__♥.♥__♥_On your _ ♥______♥__Page if ___♥___♥___You love ____♥_♥____Someone _____♥_____Forever